Keygen PowerShape 2017 Portable __HOT__
How to Use Keygen PowerShape 2017 Portable to Create Stunning 3D Models
If you are looking for a powerful and easy-to-use software to design and manufacture complex 3D shapes, you might want to try Keygen PowerShape 2017 Portable. This is a portable version of the popular PowerShape software that does not require installation or activation. You can run it from any USB drive or external hard disk on any Windows computer.
Keygen PowerShape 2017 Portable is a comprehensive solution for creating, editing, and repairing 3D models. It supports various file formats, such as STL, IGES, STEP, Parasolid, and more. You can import and export your models to other CAD/CAM applications, such as PowerMill, FeatureCAM, or Fusion 360.
With Keygen PowerShape 2017 Portable, you can create complex shapes using various tools, such as sketching, extruding, lofting, sweeping, and blending. You can also use the surface modeling tools to create smooth and organic shapes. You can add details and features to your models using the solid modeling tools. You can also use the mesh modeling tools to edit and repair scanned data or STL files.
Keygen PowerShape 2017 Portable also has a powerful analysis and simulation tool that lets you check the quality and integrity of your models. You can detect and fix errors, such as gaps, overlaps, or self-intersections. You can also perform stress analysis, collision detection, and draft analysis. You can also generate toolpaths for CNC machining using the integrated PowerMill plugin.
To use Keygen PowerShape 2017 Portable, you just need to download the zip file from the link below and extract it to your preferred location. Then, you can run the Keygen.exe file and generate a serial number for PowerShape 2017. After that, you can run the PowerShape.exe file and enter the serial number when prompted. You can then enjoy the full features of PowerShape 2017 without any limitations.
Keygen PowerShape 2017 Portable is a great software for anyone who wants to create stunning 3D models without hassle. It is fast, reliable, and easy to use. It is also portable, so you can use it on any computer without installation or activation. If you want to try Keygen PowerShape 2017 Portable, you can download it from the link below.
Download Keygen PowerShape 2017 Portable
In this article, we will show you how to use Keygen PowerShape 2017 Portable to create a simple 3D model of a coffee mug. You will learn how to sketch the profile of the mug, extrude it to create the body, add a handle, and apply some colors and materials. You will also learn how to export your model as an STL file for 3D printing.
Step 1: Sketch the profile of the mug
First, you need to sketch the profile of the mug using the sketching tools. To do this, follow these steps:
Run PowerShape.exe and click on New Project.
Select Part Modeling and click OK.
Click on the Sketch tab and select the XY plane as the sketch plane.
Click on the Line tool and draw a vertical line from the origin point.
Click on the Arc tool and draw a half-circle from the end point of the line.
Click on the Line tool again and draw another vertical line from the end point of the arc.
Click on the Close tool to close the sketch.
Click on Finish Sketch to exit the sketch mode.
You should have something like this: 248dff8e21