Logplot 7 tutorial
the logplot data editor is a powerful tool for data analysis. you can use its point-and-click commands to choose, copy, cut, and paste rock and soil types, and automatic interval selection to quickly enter depth values for each sample in your log. the data editor supports arithmetic operations (e.g., addition, subtraction, division) and data smoothing and filtering, which can help you see the relationship between or eliminate nuisance variables that might obscure your data.
you can use the advanced commands of the data editor to perform more sophisticated analysis, including plotting, data smoothing, and data filtering. you can export your data to las, excel, ascii text, rockworks boreholes, and dbf files. you can even process your data in parallel to multiple logplot sessions.
comparing the frequency response of a signal at different frequencies is an important step in many types of signal processing. a comparison of frequency responses can show you whether the gain of a device or a circuit falls off sharply at a particular frequency, allowing you to eliminate it from further processing. the logplot data editor includes a tool for performing frequency response comparisons.
all projects start with a blank slate. use data, design, and plot templates to start your own project or modify the built-in templates. use logplot as a powerful graphical tool for data exploration. save a project and share it with colleagues. save a project as a project file (xml, rdf, html, pdf, etc.) to access the files later.
this tutorial creates a volcano plot for genes identified by the volcano_genes.txt file. it uses the volcano_genes.txt file and the gene_list.txt file listed below. there is a volcano_genes.txt file in the logplot folder on the sd card. this file contains data for all genes that were differentially expressed in the cell line used. the genes are provided in the order listed in the volcano_genes.